Newsletter #12 Spring Summer 2019

The Symbol of The Kosmon Tradition. The qualities of the Source, light, love and life, are represented by the cross, circle and vine leaf.

Hello, welcome to our Spring/Summer 2019 newsletter.


  1. The Value of Rites and Ceremonies
  2. Birds in Sandhill Wood and Gardens
  3. Ancient Earthworks in Sandhill Wood
  4. Support for the Local community
  5. Wild Flowers in Sandhill Wood
  6. Bringing Light to the World

The Value of Rites and Ceremonies

In his article “Ceremonial and its Place in our Life” (1.), Frank Morley, a former chief minister in The Kosmon Tradition wrote:

“Ceremonial has played an important part in human life ever since the dawn of history, and is still used extensively from the aboriginal right up to the most civilised, although very often its original meaning and purpose have been forgotten, or it may have degenerated into a mere formality.”

In the channelled books known as Oahspe, (2.) which were the foundational source of information for The Kosmon Tradition, much is written about rites and ceremonies; the following quotation (3) expresses their importance:

“The rites and ceremonies should be carried out to the highest perfection. Without rites and ceremonies, a people are like dead people; they are like an army without discipline. In fact, discipline is useless without the formalities of rites and ceremonies.”

It should be pointed out that “discipline” in this context means the ability to concentrate on and apply the teachings given for one’s spiritual development, without wavering, despite the constant demands of the world. Rites and ceremonies are seen as valuable aid in this regard. As Frank Morley wrote:

“It is often difficult to raise our level of consciousness above the material. It is here that ceremonial, if rightly understood, can be of assistance to us. It is, then, a means to an end, a tool, not a master to be obeyed blindly.———–. To be effective, a ceremony must be a vital experience. Its influence should affect every part of one’s being so that after it one is conscious of a stimulation and enrichment not otherwise obtainable. One must therefore approach this participation with right understanding and a knowledge and purpose of the particular ritual to be employed.”

“Firstly, it is a discipline of the mind, helping to “shut out the world’s vibrations” and focus the thoughts on the ideal behind the rite, gradually lifting the level of consciousness until the higher mind begins to flood the brain with its light.”

“Secondly, it is a discipline of the emotions, stimulating and yet purifying them, and thus opening the psychic channels through which the forces of spirit may flow with their vivifying influences.”

“Thirdly, a ceremony produces an etheric vibration or vortex, which, if sufficiently high graded, enables the inspirers from interior planes, our angelic helpers, to draw much closer to us than would otherwise be the case.”

“A ritual to be of any value must symbolise or portray some profound truth or spiritual process, having the effect of actually making these ideals manifest upon the plane on which it is enacted.———–Ceremony therefore, is a means to an end, not to blind or limit us in any way, but to help our spiritual growth and open the way toward a most profound experience of life in its deepest sense, so that, by the upliftment and expansion of our whole being we gradually come into at-one-ment with the infinite. (1.)”

The White eagle teachings also emphasise the importance of ceremony and ritual for our spiritual journey. (4.)

“In days to come, the wise man will be ready to learn to appreciate the importance of ceremony and ritual, and understand the invisible activity behind religious practices. We do not mean that you must go back to outworn ceremonies from which the spirit and the life has gone, but that you will come to understand the purpose of new ceremonies and new rituals in your religious life and in your daily life, which are to stimulate men’s higher bodies so that they come into realisation of their true being.”

The Kosmon Tradition performed their work for humanity through complex ceremony and ritual, from the early 20th century to early 21st century. We are now in the process of developing “new ceremonies and new rituals” which are appropriate for the times in which we live, and which will enable participants to experience deeply their spiritual selves.

Ceremony in The Kosmon Sanctuary – The Healing Service

The Prayer Wheel

Our current Healing Service contains some ceremonial that for many years has been part of The Kosmon Tradition. For example, A prayer wheel is turned slowly clockwise once by each participant before entering The Sanctum where the Service takes place. This action provides a space in time to focus on one’s intent or prayer for the Service.

The Sanctum

After turning the prayer wheel, participants enter The Sanctum and go to their place by walking outside the circle of chairs in a clockwise direction, thus respecting the presence of the central vortex. The design of the room with four coloured curtains: red, green, blue and gold, and the zodiac in the ceiling all come from the Kosmon Tradition. The red curtain expresses love, the blue, wisdom, the gold, power, and the green, healing. The white curtains transform the room into a circle, the ancient symbol of wholeness, eternity and the infinite.

The Sanctum – Central Circular Table

The central circular table has a large candle in the centre which symbolises The One All Light, while each participant has their own candle to symbolise that their inner light is identical with The One All Light.

Ceremony in The Kosmon Sanctuary – Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice Ceremony – Altar with bread and grape juice

At our Summer Solstice ceremony in Sandhill Wood, we remembered the sun as the origin of the bounty of creation, and gave thanks for all that we receive. The ceremonial we used was that of the ancient feast of remembrance, described by White Eagle (4.)

“The feast, ceremony, of remembrance was always celebrated in the temples of the past. The bread and wine laid upon the altar represented the gifts of Mother Earth to her human family. Through partaking of these gifts, in the right spirit, the people were raised in consciousness. As, they took part in this feast of remembrance, remembering the source of all bounty, they lost that personal arrogance which today dulls so many earthly people to the realities of spirit. They realised that all that they had, and all that they were which was noble and beautiful, came from the same Source, the Father-Mother God, the Spiritual Sun. They took the bread and the wine in remembrance of the Source of all life and the communion they shared with all life.”

In our ceremony we offered white altar bread and grape juice with fresh grapes to all participants. During this time, Linda quietly played her crystal bowls, which continued during a period of stillness and meditation. All present were deeply touched by the ceremony.


  1. Frank Morley: Kosmon Unity. Autumn 1948.
  2. Oahsphe: Newsletter no 2. Spring 2015 – see website.
  3. Oahsphe: Book of Wars against Jeheovih. Chapter 25.
  4. White Eagle. The Way of the Sun. Page 60.

Birds in Sandhill Wood and the Gardens

The Nuthatch

In the Spring, we fitted nine bird boxes of various sizes to accommodate different species of birds in the garden area. We were hoping that Blue Tits, Nuthatches, Jays, and Great Tits would make them their home. This brings the total number of bird boxes in the woods and gardens to 15. In the garden, three have nests; in the woods, three.

In the garden we have three seed feeders, one peanut feeder and a log feeder. The seed feeders are filled with RSPB pre-mix of sunflower seeds and suet pellets, which they love. The peanut feeder is also loved by the birds. The log feeder, hanging from the apple tree, is filled with suet balls.

In the wood, we have four or five feeders which are filled with peanuts and suet balls. The squirrels have been particularly active with the peanut feeders, trying many ways to get into them, including knocking them to the ground.

There have been many sightings of Blue and Great Tit babies waiting in the branches for feeding. Nuthatches and Song Thrushes have also done well this year. On the downside, there have not been so many Longtail Tits and Wrens.

Confirmed sightings which can be added to the list are Wagtails, Chiffchaff, Willow warbler, Garden Warbler, Swallows and Swifts. We have found an Owl pellet near the garden bird feeders.

There is a pair of nesting Buzzards in the woods. We have seen the parents and three very young Buzzards who could only just have left the nest, now soaring above the woods.

Steve Cox

Ancient Earthworks in Sandhill Wood

Earthworks on the boundary of Sandhill Wood
Earthworks within Sandhill Wood

The pictures illustrate the ancient earthworks to be found in Sandhill Wood. Most are to be found on the eastern and southern boundaries, though there are earthworks within the wood itself. All earthworks in Sandhill Wood are symmetrical. Symmetrical earthworks are thought to be field boundaries, rather than woodland boundaries, which were usually asymmetrical, i.e. formed with one side longer than the other. (1.)

This suggests that our earthworks once defined the boundaries of medieval fields, which were allowed to return to woodland to supply wood for Walton Manor. This would explain the presence of much formerly coppiced sweet chestnut, hornbeam, hazel and oak.

The white lines indicate the profile of the earthworks.


  1. The Cultural Heritage of Woodlands in the South East. Dr Nicola R. Bannister. Pages 45-51.

Support for the Local Community

The Kosmon Sanctuary makes a financial contribution to the upkeep and maintenance of the defibrillator at Walton on the Hill. We also support “Cherry Trees”, a charity based near Guildford. This charity provides exceptional home-from-home specialist short breaks/respite for children and young adults aged 0 to 19 with a range of complex disabilities, including learning, physical and sensory impairments.

Wild Flowers in Sandhill Wood

Carpets of Bluebells
Ramsons (Wild Garlic)

Since the extensive clearing work undertaken in the woods in the Winter 2018/2019, the extent of the Bluebells and Ramsons cover has increased. However, the most dramatic result of clearing has been the appearance of large numbers of foxgloves, where before there had been but few. We aim to maintain areas free of rhododendrons, bracken and brambles, which should encourage butterflies and wild flowers.

Bringing Light to the World


Participating in Rites and Ceremonies, discussed in the first article of this newsletter, is a valuable way of becoming aware of one’s inner spiritual being and releasing our bondage to worldly concerns. The result is an increase within us in what one can only speak of as light. This light will be transmitted to the world around us, without taking thought that this should take place. This is the only way of combating darkness. George Morley, one of the founders of the Kosmon Tradition, speaks of the value for people of like mind to gather together for spiritual services, so that we may become bearers of light:

“On the physical plane there is little spiritual light, excepting in centres of meditation, or where people meet together for spiritual services. In the ordinary material world there is very little light excepting that which is carried by individuals accustomed to meditation or rituals which have spiritual import.”

“The reason is, of course, that the material world shuts out the inner light; the urge downwards is so constant, the self-seeking amongst people so continuous, that it is ever necessary for those who desire to be light-bearers to associate frequently with others who are like themselves. What a splendid mission for them, and for you. To go constantly to those places where the spiritual light is dispensed, where the power from the heaven worlds is manifesting, that you may catch a glimpse of it; that you may store up its energy in the aura; then, as you go about the world, you can carry that light everywhere.”

(Ref: George Morley. Ideas and Inspiration in The Path of Light. Kosmon Press. 1982.)