The Kosmon Church, now called The Kosmon Sanctuary, was initiated in April 1904 by a group of seven men who were inspired by a book called Oahspe, channelled in 1848 by the medium Dr. John Newbrough, and published in 1881.
Oahspe reports its main purpose as follows: “to teach mortals how to attain to hear the Creator’s voice, and to see his heavens, in full consciousness, whilst still living on the earth, and to know in truth , the place and condition awaiting them after death.” Oahspe describes the magnificence of the Creator and the realm of angels, the nature of the heavens, and the significance of the body, spirit and soul. Also included are an historical record of the planet, the history of the human race, and the history of religions. There are also books on linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, science and cosmogony. Also described is the nature of the education of children required for them to establish an unshakable bond with their spiritual selves. It is not surprising that the founders were inspired by such a feast of information.
The founders of The Kosmon Church established services based both on their understanding of Oahspe and on the channelled instructions which they received directly from the angelic realm through the Grand Master George Morley, who was succeeded by Frank Morley and Peter Andrews. Within The Kosmon Church services, the energy of devotion was such that participants could readily connect with their spiritual selves and sense their connection with the angelic realm. The services were based on ceremony and ritual, which gave the participants the focus they needed to concentrate on honouring the Creator, free of worldly concerns. Connection with the angelic realm was a living experience for all, for, during the service, the minister gave instruction and encouragement directly from the angelic realm. The work undertaken in the services included support for those who had experienced violent death in war.
The Kosmon Church moved from London to Walton on the Hill in 1952, where the energy was of the quality needed to support a change in focus of the work. This focus was concerned with the blessing of unborn children. The aspiration was to enable the children to maintain connection with their spiritual selves as they grew up, thus enabling them as adults to help humanity enter a New Age of harmony. (The certainty of The Kosmon Tradition in the coming of a New Age is further discussed below.) World healing was also part of the work at Walton.
The Kosmon Church was registered as a charity in 1966, and in 2006 changed its name to The Kosmon Sanctuary. This change of name expressed the intention of the trustees to undertake a less ritualistic and ceremonial approach to the expression of the ideals of the Kosmon Tradition. They recognised that, in general, contemporary spirituality sought simplicity in its approach to spiritual evolution, and the work needed for the benefit of humanity.
The current trustees are fully engaged in the task of honouring the Kosmon Tradition whilst at the same time discovering how this may be achieved in a way which meets the needs of contemporary aspirations, and which fully utilises our unique resources: 22 acres of beautiful ancient woodland, a 2 acre garden and buildings for group meetings. The woodland is regularly used by nursery school children, groups and individuals walk our labyrinths, while traditional services and meditation groups are held regularly.
Our wish is to nurture the light so that the Sanctuary realises its destiny as a light centre, a place where people may realise their spiritual nature and spread light wherever they may be and whatever task they may be involved in. These people, in the words of the late Nancy Magor in 2016, will be part of “a more refined, selfless and highly evolved race of men and women who will be emerging to bring to birth a new and better civilisation.” (1.)
In 1955, Frank Morley spoke through channelling in a similar vein. He saw the coming of a New Age, notwithstanding the horrors of two world wars. He could discern the birth of a new race: “The race of the New Age is coming in ever increasing numbers, and as a result of its coming, all aspects of life will go through this upheaval to rebirth and higher manifestation. – – – – – – – – The day will come when you will rejoice to see the fulfilment of the wonderful processes which are now being initiated in every aspect of life” (2.)
- Nancy Magor. The Incoming Tide. Newsletter no. 16. September 2016.
- Frank Morley. Ascensional Mass. Angelic Preceptory. 26th July 1955.
Man’s Long Journey
A Synopsis of the Kosmon Teachings by Greta James
A Consideration of The Seven Revelations of Oahspe
Mans Long Journey (PDF, 528KB)
Origin of Oahspe
A letter written by John Newbrough in 1883 entitled The Origin of Oahspe is available.