The Task of the Kosmon Sanctuary

Trance address by Frank Morley 1969

“The Kosmon Fraternity was given a very big task, one that will go on for centuries yet.

First of all it had to help restore the ancient faith as it was before all the orthodox religions came into being, the simple faith that was given to man when he first stood upright on the earth 80.000 years ago. What was that faith? It was the knowledge of the One Supreme Being, the Infinite Mind, the Father of all, and the realisation of the power of that Mind within the individual soul, the source of all consciousness, strength and inspiration. That is the fundamental ideal from the ancient times which is renewed today, that the Creator is One, but that He expresses Himself through myriads of worlds and stars and solar systems, as He does through the myriads of human souls, not only on this planet but on many others.

The second great ideal of this ancient faith was the realisation that life is eternal and that so-called death is but the ending of one phase and the beginning of another.

The third great ideal was that of the spiritual brotherhood of man. Since the Creator is Father of all, then we are all His children, spiritual sisters and brothers.

It was this faith which the Kosmon Church came to restore. It came to set man free from dogmas and creeds which might hinder his spiritual progress and the full development of all the faculties within him. It came to set him free from superstition and spiritual ignorance.

There is another thing the Kosmon Church came to do, and here we touch on deeper matters. This is a New Age into which the earth is passing, and signs of it are seen particularly in the development of scientific discovery the last hundred years. But with all the forward movement there is coming into the world a new race. In the midst of all existing nations a new type of human being is gradually coming. Little children will come to earth endowed with a strange intuition for spiritual things almost from birth, knowing by a profound understanding that they are watched over by wonderful beings from the heavenly spheres. They will grow to manhood and womanhood being moved by the ideal of changing the world and making it a place of beauty and of peace for all humanity. It is the new race, then, for which we are working.”